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What comes after Quality Management


So far, we have noticed that quality management has evolved gradually. Even nowadays, quality remains attached to an infinite control cycle, in which the superficial collection and analysis of information ends up taking the place of decision making and strategic direction.


Most actions end up being reactive, identifying non-conformities and acting directly on the consequences instead of the contributing factors.

 At this moment, we are experiencing a turnaround with the integration of more effective management systems and the use of AIs (artificial intelligence) in data analysis, making us act preventively. 

Digital machines and systems are revolutionizing service delivery. Competition is increasingly fierce, not only on the part of traditional competitors, but also on products, new services and innovations that are rewriting the rules of how business is practiced.


If you cannot provide quality to your customers in terms of service and reliability, they will surely find someone who does. The first step is to stop looking at quality as a burden to carry and instead see it as one of your main points. After this stage of maturity, excellence comes.


Excellence is not a destination, but a journey to be achieved. Organizations must constantly strive to achieve and surpass their performance, having well-established approaches and structures of excellence to achieve success in this challenging journey. 


Excellence is not a program or a discipline and it does not end when a specific objective is achieved. It must be understood as a culture, in which people experience and understand the need to dedicate themselves to organizational values and purposes.

Dr. Bruno Cavalcanti Farras
Mara Machado


Rua Nelson Gama de Oliveira, 311 - 10° andar
CEP 05734-150 - São Paulo/SP - Brasil

+55 (11) 3772-2098 | +55 (11) 3772-2478

Copyright - All rights reserved IQG Serviços de Acreditação em Saúde Ltda

CNPJ: 11. 957.288/0001-03

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